Knowing the best time to plant grass seed and basic lawn care knowledge are the beginning steps in creating a beautiful green lawn during the growing season.
We first begin by the best time to plant grass seed. Early Fall around September or in April or May depending on temperatures and weather conditions that would affect the soil are typically the best times to plant for Northern Indiana. Temperature and moisture of the ground determines the optimal time to plant in our area.
Making sure that you are using the correct seed and fertilizer for your yard is the next steps to keeping it healthy and green all season long. Regularly applying the spring, summer and fall applications of fertilizer for not only the type of grass but the type of soil you have will have greater impact on controlling annoying weeds and keeping it green.
You can also help keep crabgrass weeds out and conserve water on dry summer months by mowing on a diagonal and alternating which direction you are going on the diagonal each time you mow. Cutting on a diagonal also helps with the blades being more even.
Remember the 1/3 rule when mowing and only cut the top 1/3 of the grass blades off. This encourages new growth and can also deter weeds from growing which allows for a thick green lawn.
Watering also plays an important factor in keeping a healthy and green lawn for the seasons but remember over watering can also because shallow roots, less oxygen and too much moisture to allow disease to form. The best times to water grass are early morning or late afternoon when wind and heat are less. If it is to hot out the water will evaporate to quickly while on the other hand if watering too late to much moisture can be left on it to allow disease to arise. When watering you will also want to consider the type of soil you have, how much rainfall was received in a given week, and if any shady areas or slopes exist. The rule of thumb is one inch of water penetrates 12 inches of sandy soil and approximately 5 inches of clay and between six and ten inches of loam. Soil that is compacted allows water to run off or evaporate depending on the weather or sun.
Also, refrain from walking on the grass during spring or fall when it has frosted as this can cause burn spots.